Different Crystals have Metaphysical properties that goes along with different chakras on our body. Different meditation techniques can be used to energize your chakra. Its also said yoga and the different yoga poses can also energize your chakras and free your mind.
Suggested stones for use in Meditation:
Amethyst | calms and centers the mind so that it is receptive to answers that rise up into awareness; enhances visualization; promotes altered states of consciousness | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Aquamarine | supports and quiets the mind; promotes contemplative self-awareness | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Carnelian | clears extraneous thoughts in meditation; helps keep one focused; aids concentration; helps focus the mind on higher intentions and goals | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Charoite | enhances relaxation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Crystal Cluster | enables meditation between two people to gain greater harmony with one another | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Fluorite | aids concentration; enables the mind to maintain a meditative and centered space while in the midst of physical activity; helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Jade | brings serenity; soothes the mind; releases negative thoughts | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Jasper Brown/Orange | aids in concentration; facilitates deep meditation and centering | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Labradorite | deepens meditation; raises consciousness; increases visualization | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Lapis Lazuli | stimulates the higher faculties of the mind; aids concentration; aids in self-examination and contemplation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Moonstone | promotes receptivity to illumination and wisdom; promotes calmness and peace of mind; helps one to reach higher realms of consciousness; enables one to receive direction from the unconscious mind; induces trances; encourages self-reflection | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Prehnite | facilitates relaxation; brings clarity of mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Quartz | brings mental clarity, focus, and concentration; facilitates wisdom, clarity of thought, and higher consciousness; fosters communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious; activates all levels of consciousness | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sapphire, Blue | brings a deepening of thought; stills and quiets a racing mind; brings about focus and concentration by removing distractions
Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and color. Have you used specific chakra stones to create a healing action in individual chakras?
All of the chakras have specific colors that can be used to heal them, as well as specific sound vibrations.
Although we normally speak of only seven chakras, the human energy field is made up of thousands of minor chakras in addition to the major seven.
Although most stones of a specific color will be the stone for healing a particular chakra, some stones may be used to heal more than one chakra.
There are many stones for each chakra... and various crystals may be particularly powerful to aid you to heal in different ways. There is a wide range of healing attributes that pertain to various stones and the things that they are known to remedy.
As you gain knowledge of what health issues are healed by the various crystals that you have, you will be able to take personal responsibility for your own healing.
What Are Chakras and What Are Chakra Stones?
The chart below has ten chakras listed, these are the major seven chakras that are within the body and two chakras that are etheric. These etheric chakras are the soul star above, and the earth star below, plus the thymus or higher heart chakra.
Chakras are energy vortices that exist within the etheric body and transmit life force energy to the body. Each chakra governs specific bodily functions of the organs in the body close to the area where they are located. If you are not sure about the location of each chakra within the body... the article on the chakras meanings will give you more details.
Chakra Colors
Look at the chart below which gives you a list of the chakra colors... and the specific details on the colors for each chakra.
If you want to see which specific stones can be used to heal each of the individual chakras... click on the chakra name... to go to the page where you will find an in-depth chart listing the stones for that chakra.
Use healing crystals of the specific chakra colors. These colors are as follows:
Although certain colors are commonly thought to heal certain chakras, some stones do not fit the pattern. Clear crystals, black, brown and various mixed color crystals have a healing effect on a few different chakras. Other stones that heal more than one chakras are those with flecks through them such as agates.
The lower chakras such as the base chakra and the earth star chakra... which is below the feet ... respond to the black and brown crystals. These darker crystals have astronger spiritual grounding ability. Often stones of a particular color that is a mixture of the two chakra colors, will heal both of the chakras.
Light yellow-green stones and crystals are good examples... as they heal both the solar plexus chakra... because of the yellow tones in the stones and the heart chakra... because of the green. Examples of stones that are this color include Peridot, Green Chrysoprase, Green Prehnite and Light Green Hiddenite... pictured below.
Chakras from the heart up are very closely associated with the spiritual area within the etheric body, and may be healed by high vibration stones. These stones that havehigh vibration with strong crystal energy are powerful for making dramatic changes in those chakras.
Spiritual grounding is an important activity for anyone who is working on developing their psychic abilities... as using high crystal energy stones... such as crown chakra stones or soul star chakra stones may make you ungrounded.
Which Chakra Stones to Use
Clear Quartz will work to heal all chakras. Clear quartz clusters have a positive effect on all chakras. Each individual crystal in the cluster will send out the positive energy to enable it to impact with the entire human energy field.
Quartz clusters of any type, are useful pieces to have in a space, as they will send the energy out throughout the room. It's vibration has the potential to boost any other stones energy so it may assist all chakras.
Crystals have a vibration which can be measured, and according to the level of the vibration can be effective healers of individual chakras.
The fact that colors also have vibrations, that can be measured... is the reason why particular stones that are specific colors are effective, in different areas of the body.
All of the chakras from the heart chakra up will aid your spiritual development. For more in-depth information on what each chakra does, see the page for each specific chakra. They will have natural crystals in the color for individual chakras... including those stones that suit more than one chakra. They are able to help you to find one of the chakra stones, that will assist any condition you may have.
If you feel that you need to have more details on the chakras... have thechakras explained by going to the page on the meaning of chakras.
On each individual chakra page you will see many highlighted crystals... and these specific stones will have an individual page giving you in-depth information on its metaphysical properties and common healing outcomes.
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